Lenovo Y700-15ISK and Linux

Post date: Feb 10, 2016 11:15:43 PM

On Linux Mint 18, best way to have good gfx support is still to install bumblebee

This link describes best option.


Primus run from nvidia in default repo needs to logout after gfx card swtich (what is stupid).

Bluetooth is still unavailable after installation. Blacklist the ideapad module as written below.

On Linux Mint 18 first step is unnecessary, only thing valid for Mint 18 from step 2 is blacklisting the ideapad module. But these steps are still valid for Linux 17.3

    1. Installation

    2. - in grub edit line. remove quiet splash with nomodeset

    3. - set boot disk as the one, where is windows efi

    4. - after installation do it again from the disk grub. install proprietary nvidia drivers

    5. - in case of windows boot update, boot again from usb and run boot-repair (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair)

    6. After Installation

    7. - install bumblebee from it's PPA

    8. - install kernel 4.2 (for wifi)

    9. - remove lenovo-thinkpad module

    10. (6) Blacklist the ideapad module

    11. $ cd /etc/modprobe.d/

    12. $ sudo echo 'blacklist ideapad-laptop' > blacklist-ideapad.conf (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2215044&page=3)